FIX.BAT and the 3 related TXT files require the use of DEBUG. You either have to have DEBUG copied into the same directory with the 4 FIX files and the SWOTL pilot files or you have to have a PATH= instruction in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file that will allow FIX to access the DEBUG utility from any subdirectory. Copy the 4 FIX files into the main \SWOTL subdirectory on your game disk or hard drive. To use just type: FIX pilotname.ext todtype. The todtype is the type of TOD your pilot was involved in when he was lost DUAL, ESCORT, etc. The todtype has to be in all capital letters or the FIX program won't run. The word fix and the pilot name need not be all caps. If the pilot is lost in any mission that is not a TOD you simply use NO as the todtype. For all German TODs you just type GERMAN as the todtype. If you forget what the syntax is for using FIX, you can simply type FIX . This will display several "syntax error" messages and the FIX text plus the included examples in the program and abort the program without editing anything. Two fighters in the US inventory are special cases and need to be handled with one extra parameter in the command syntax. The codes that symbolize ESCORT and DUAL TODs for the P-51D and the P-80 are reversed and need to be singled out for the FIX program to patch the pilot file correctly. If you lose a pilot flying in a P-51D or P-80 TOD of either type you must include "P51D" in the command syntax. Using "P51D" will correctly patch the file for both a P-51D pilot and a P-80 pilot. The use of "P80" is not supported. Sample syntax: FIX SMITH.USA ESCORT P51D FIX SMITH.USA DUAL P51D For all other US fighters the extra parameter is not needed, this includes the P-51B. Keith Heitmann, Prodigy GVXV90A